Client’s Challenge:
My client, a large global multinational healthcare tech company had challenges with Hiring Managers who had staff augmentation and statement of work needs. A company audit of the non-employee talent base showed that most of the contingent talent base was improperly categorized.
Most hiring managers found the process for acquiring staff augmentation resources cumbersome and bureaucratic. The MSP, Suppliers and hiring managers were not in agreement about appropriate process and policy.
The staff augmentation rate card had not updated for 7 years which meant the rate cards were not market competitive. The job descriptions for new roles were poor and lacking information. This caused hiring managers to use outdated job descriptions to release the requisition. Suppliers and their submitted candidates were frustrated due to the confusion. Candidate onboarding was very discombobulated and frustrating.
Talent Magnetism is about using the proper tools to attract top talent. Relevant job descriptions updated rate cards and a positive on-boarding experience are important tools for this candidate driven market.
My Solution:
Working closely with US/EMEA Procurement and Talent Acquisition teams, I reached out to the appropriate statement of work suppliers to educate them about proper non-employee categorization, the need to follow process and how to work within a Vendor Management System (VMS). Also, I encouraged the client to update its rate card for technical roles and add job descriptions not included in the past rate card.
The results – The staff augmentation business grew as suppliers brought their business through the proper channel and process. The MSP business grew as Hiring Managers found the updated rate card met their needs and they were pleased the VMS has updated job descriptions that met their latest needs. The suppliers received more requisitions and they provided discounts back to the client because of their increased business. Proper non-employee talent classification was complete.